
The Creative Farm provides comfortable, clean, and inspiring work spaces for individuals and businesses in creative fields. We offer private offices and studio spaces.  We believe in providing a work environment that is energetic, supportive, collaborative, interactive, and fun. The Creative Farm is like a commune, without all the hippies and patchouli.

We do not provide drop-in, or take-a-desk-for a-day opportunities. We are about creating community, and our approach is to provide great work spaces for individuals and businesses. We believe our mix of quiet offices and shared collaborative areas are the best way to achieve a creative, inspiring, stable, and enjoyable work setting.

The Creative Farm community includes landscape architects, web designers, videographers, architects, photographers, graphic designers, interior designers, writers, artists, and others. The Creative Farm framework allows members to share ideas, resources, and knowledge with outcomes greater than what might be achieved individually.

At each of our locations, rent is inexpensive and lease terms are flexible. We offer tenants a copier, printer, plotter, and Internet access. There are a limited number of individual offices and open studio spaces. Additional resources include conference rooms and areas that can be used for meetings or classes. There is also gallery space.

An additional element of The Creative Farm includes providing the opportunity for community dialogue. This includes providing space for community and private events.

Members are encouraged to meet regularly to critique, discuss, and enrich each other's work. Diverse talents, viewpoints, and backgrounds elevate discussion, setting the stage for new and creative solutions.

If you are not in Denver or Boulder and are interested in initiating a Creative Farm in your area, please contact us.  Our vision includes a network of Creative Farms across the country, collaborating with one another to further our creative and entrepreneurial endeavors. This seed has been planted in Denver, and there is strong interest in other areas.

Contact us if you or someone you know would benefit from the unique work environment found at The Creative Farm. We look forward to hearing from you.

© the creative farm 2016